One of the things I have found important in any RV Park is picking out the neighbors who I know and trust to have my back. In the last four years I found one of those friends. He moved around within the park a few times. Having friends like this has helped me feel safer. In the last couple of weeks I have not felt safe, with neighbors so close to me and invading my space. I have not felt save in this location walking around at night since I moved here. I felt I could call on these guys if I found myself in a dangerous situation.
I looked forward to when they came home in the evening, as I knew there would be jokes and laughter. Now that I work and come home after them, i still knew they were there. It feels good to laugh and it has felt good to laugh with this crew. I could come home at the end of the day and hang out with them and forget the troubles of the day. Just the other night, we were sitting around outside and talking about life and laughing.
Today, as I went to drop off a load of laundry, it looked like one of these guys was leaving. I convinced myself it wasn't so because there had not been talk of him leaving. After I got the washer started and as I walked back, he was gone. Just like that, he was gone. There wasn't talk of leaving, just disappeared. Later in the early evening he was back, parked at his buddy's place. I wondered what he was doing back and why he was at his buddy's place. I sauntered up to the trailer and jumped in the chatter. We all know, I was wondering what was going on?!! It was a puzzle to me and I was trying to grapple with what I was happening. I knew enough to know my world was changing and it was changing fast!
As the truth began to sink in, they were both moving out today!! My beating heart skipped a beat, several times. I had no idea they were moving. Both of them! In the same day! I still feel like my world got shook up. Things will not be the same, that is for sure, but time marches on.
Part of me is mad, they are the one's who left, not the neighbors who I wish would move. Part of me is jealous, I wish I could up and move like that. It certainly motivates me to find a newer RV where I have a lot more flexibility and the ability to leave. I feel stuck at the moment. I know I will be happy in another RV park, but the present is known, so it was more comfortable. I knew I could come home and hang out with my friends. Now this recent swing of events shows me and encourages me to move on myself.
Happy Trails