Thursday, April 26, 2018

Too Close for Comfort

Things aren't always what they seem. I have been in my current park for about 6 years. When I was looking at this park I really did not look at the site size. I didn't notice how tight the trailers were parked so close to each other. When I was looking at the empty spot it looked so big, but it was empty, you goofball.

For the better part of a week one of my neighbors has been parking really close to "my home". It's too close for comfort.

On the left is my trailer.  The card is a typical credit card size.  On the right is the neighbors car.  

I notified the office on Thursday.  Nothing was done by Saturday so I called the manager and spoke with him about the situation. He said he'd take care of it. The next day all if management left for a conference.  They returned Tuesdsy. Today is Thursday,  one week later, still nothing has been done. I called the owner Monday night.  She looked into it and decided she'd let the manager look in to it when he returned the next day.

It's Friday, over a week since my original complaint.  The damn car still hasn't moved.

I spoke with the Owner on Tuesday.  She informed me that she had talked to the manager who said he had been by and no one was home.  The manager told her he would stop by and offer the neighbors some options.  Yet, nothing has changed.  Was the manager blowing smoke when he told her he had been by to look at the situation?  I know he was blowing smoke about getting something done.  Anyone wanna bet?  I'll bet you $100 that car is still there in a month. 

It is very upsetting to  me for so many reasons.  In no particular order:
- Management says they are going to do something and they do not
- The demonstration that after almost 6 years of being here I do not matter and my concerns are not valid
- The ownership lacks the follow through
- This is a risk, a risk a tenant's trailer could be hit, and the management and ownership are not making any movements to minimize the risk

I spent last weekend in tears.  Why?  I was scared.  I was stressed and overwhelmed.  I saw how little management thinks of me as both a long term tenant and a former employee.  Reality Check!

What are my options:
- I can stay here, do nothing and be miserable
- I can look at moving to another RV Park and start a fresh

One reason I chose this lifestyle because if I do not like my neighbors I can move.  I don't like either of them, the other one will be fuel for another post.  Money talks, so I have thought.  They will be able to fill my space in a few weeks and I'll be history to them.

Most RV Parks require the trailer be less than 10 years old.  Mine is a 1989, almost 30 years old!  It's served me well the last 11 years.  I am going to start looking for a newer RV, one that allows me more flexibility in living arrangements.  In making this decision I am
- Looking for an RV that may be about as much as a car payment
- In order to make staying in the RV still worth it, I want my lot rent and trailer payment to be less than a decent apartment in the community where I live.

I have some research to be doing.  Until next time.