Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Family and Pets

I love to hear stories about my nephew. In the next week or so I'll start hearing stories about my sister's child.

My brother and his family have a dog that I used to take hiking with me or would keep when they left town. Rags is a cool dog and she just keeps getting better. Strange how animals become like family.

My mother and dad both shared these stories with me. I'm sure that if my my brother were telling the story it would be different. Mom says that my nephew will be standing in one room doing something (the boy doesn't stay still long) and Rags will come in to the room, give him a kiss on the cheek and then walk out. For the last several weeks I have retold that story so many times I'm sure my friends are tired of hearing about it.

Tonight dad shared another story about my nephew and Rags. Rags has always been hyper. When she was in the kennel she ran on the walls of the kennel. They used to have Rags chase the light from a flashlight. When you walk Rags she always pulls on the leash, especially when she sees a cat. Apparently my nephew has started walking Rags. My nephew is 20 months old today. Dad says he tucks the leash under his arm holds out his hand and they walk. Rags never pulls on the leash.

Our animals become like family. We hold them close to our heart. I love those stories. To me they are tender moments. I don't always understand why creatures do what they do, but when they are that aware and that cautious there is a special bond. Rags and my nephew seem to have some special bond and some form of communication.

Maybe I do need a dog.