After volunteering at a local triathlon over the summer I decided to start training for one. Realistically I've given myself two years of training before participating in one. I'm not a good swimmer at all and really need to work on my technique and endurance in the water. The last time I was on a bike was as a child in the neighborhood. I struggled with how and where to train. I've been training as a runner since January.
I joined a gym close to where I attend school. I'm in that community twice a week and have groups I run with twice a week. My first fitness class at the gym was a spin class. It was my first class of this nature and I had a blast!! I've never had to ride a bike on a hill and never had training on how to do it, so this was a first and it was hard work but I felt so good. I didn't have my shoes strapped in tight enough so my foot fell off the pedal during a climb a couple of times. Lost some skin to the ol pedals, but hey it really felt good. I've been to class two weeks now and I feel like even that little really helped my running. Crazy? Maybe.
I'm uncertain whether I'll be able to continue to participate in the spin class since I have school responsibilities an hour after class is finished. In that one hour I have to shower, dress professionally and get my sore butt to class in a presentable fashion. I'm gonna try to keep it up!! A local coffee shop has a bicycling team and I've tried to get some information on that. I don't think I'm at a place where I can join a team unless it is full of beginners. I also recently took a look at my bike. It's been tied to a tree since I got to the park. I rode it 1/2 mile and the tire went flat. It dry rotted. Now I need to learn how to change the tires. I've been with a friend to pick out the tires and tubes, trying to find time to change them has been the hardest challenge so far. Once I get this midterm out of the way it'll happen.
My running seems to be going ok. This summer I struggled with pushing myself and wanting a faster pace and more endurance. Once I let go of that things seemed to get easier. I just finished listening to a podcast, "Zen and the art of traiathlon" and the topic was the art of letting go. Now I get it, I let go of this desire to go farther and faster and it became somewhat more natural.
Swimming is the one aspect of training I have not been able to improve on. The gym's pool is under construction and it won't be open until December. I'm really excited about it opening up.
My birthday is coming up and I've been thinking about what I want to do to celebrate. I want to get in the water and I also want to take a run. It would be so worth taking a run on the trail and then a dip in the local springs. Anyone wanna join me?
I've been bummed lately because my school work and responsibilities have taken me from the things that inspire me and rejuvenate me. I've struggled with how to get them to fit in, because they need to fit in otherwise I'll be a bitter and angry ol hag!