Friday, February 7, 2014

Six Gallons

Six gallons, that's all the hot water I have.  My water heater is a six gallon water heater.  Six gallons does not go very far in the shower.  It is more than enough hot water on a hot summer day, when I have been known to turn off the water heater, but it is not enough for a warm shower on a cold day.

Our area has had several cold days this winter.   I have ran out of hot water during a shower lately and been shocked when the shower turns cold!  Because of the cold weather outside, it takes more hot water to neutralize the cold water.  This is not the time to linger and enjoy a hot shower!

A friend shared this via social media today:

In the seven years I have been in the RV I have paired down the shower during the cold weather.

Here's a few tricks I learned that have become routine for me

  • Don't do dishes before the shower, save the hot water for the shower
  • If it's cold, turn the heater up and do not rely on a hot shower to warm you up 
  • In the cold winter don't show your legs, their pale white anyway 
  • Be grateful for dark and thick hair 
  • Make great use of the valve on the shower head that keeps water from coming through the shower head when you don't need water to wash and rinse (I wish all home showers had this valve) 
  • Keep the bathroom door open to keep the bathroom warm 
Hoping you are having a great winter and staying safe