Hill Country Running Store is one of the few retail places where the some of the staff have become friends. When I am in the geographic location of the store I stop by to say hi and see what is going on. Last weekend I stopped by to ask questions about wetsuits because many of their staff also train and compete in triathlons. The staff set me up with some connections and gave me some ideas on shopping for wetsuits. Today their training group had a sale and I found a bargain on a wet suit ($25, that's cheaper than a pair of jeans!!). I cannot wait to try it out!
The sale was held at the training group's office and they had a 2005 Airstream in the drive way. I got to visiting with Jamie and he said he and his wife will take the Airstream to races. Jamie and his wife compete in Ironman races around the nation and often finish in top of their age group. The races are often held in parks where they can park the RV and it's within 100 yards of the start line. There is something to be said for getting a good night sleep and sleeping or waking up in a familiar setting. Maybe after I find a job and decide to leave the RV lifestyle I have found an alternate use for the RV.