I do have a story to tell about an incident that has occurred between posts. I took pictures to document the occasion, but I have yet to finish the roll of film and then to get it developed. When that happens I will back track a bit and fill you in on the details.
One of my neighbors recently began her garden and handed me several packets of seeds. The seed packages say they were packaged for 2005 so I don't know what is going to germinate. For several months I've considered a container garden. I started my garden today. It's the first time since I left high school that I've had a garden. I'll be here long enough to maintain this one.
Today I planted: Spinach, Basil (sweet and lemon), peas (Burpeeana Early), Dill (Mammoth & Fernleaf), Parsley (extra curled Dwarf & single Italian Plain-leafed), cilantro/coriander, summer savory, Chives and Sage (Common). Tomorrow it's snowbird peas and lettuces (a gourmet blend, Green ice, spinach, black-seeded Simpson, Mesclun salad mix, and another spinach variety). That makes three spinach varieties. These will have germinated in 7 to 14 days depending on soil and temperatures, according to the packages. KR: when the lettuce is grown I'll have you over for dinner!!!
In two weeks, around Spring Break, I'll plant Morning Glories, Marigolds, several zinnia varieties, a squash, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers!! Love those fresh veggies!
Growing up dad had a garden. We grew cauliflower, carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers (bell peppers and jalapeƱos), okra, cucumbers and I don't remember what else. I am real excited about this and how it will turn out!
A couple of weeks ago I hung a hammock I received for Christmas. I am going to plant some peas and Morning Glories to grow up the trees and may provide some privacy.
With all that being said, does it make me a hippy? I'm growing my own food and reading for class in a hammock while living in an RV! Who knew!!!
I'll try and take pictures as things grow and keep you updated on how the garden grows and transforms the appearance around the trailer.
Do you live nearby? If I get inundated with vegetable and flowering plants will you help me by taking some? If I get overwhelmed with plants I'll "advertise" here that I have free plants for the taking.
What are you doing to shorten your carbon footprint?