Monday, September 3, 2007

Oh CRAP!!!!!!

During the summer I had water dripping from the belly of my trailer. Since it was dripping from the tongue to the tail of the trailer I thought I was in for major repairs. N looked at it to see if he could diagnosis it and possibly fix it, but was unable to. We thought I would have to have the belly of the trailer taken off which is a major undertaking. I thought that since there was not water dripping into the trailer I was safe to wait until closer to a freeze before getting it fixed. What I learned is there was the possibility the water was pooling up between my tanks and the belly and could be rotting my flooring. EWWW. That would not be good. The RV repair guy came out and fixed it in an hour. On the inside of the trailer is a piece that looks like a garden hose and that was the source of the leak. The water was dripping from there and down the body of the trailer and then out the belly. It was a relatively simple fix. I sure wish I knew more about the how to repair this stuff.

N is pretty smart and knows a lot about travel trailers. It was nice having him as a neighbor for a couple of months. He recently moved. This week I was unable to get my black water valve to release. It could be a serious issue because you don't want the black water tank to get full, especially during the summer. Then you don't want to pull the valve too hard and end up with crap all over you. N's suggestion was to squirt water into the black water tank from the valve, using a contraption usually used to clean the tank. This would likely dislodge any crap that had clogged the valve. As shooting water into the closed tank then you gradually work the valve until it released and then promptly close off the hose so you don't get crap going down your garden hose. It worked, yet again he was right! My neighbor thought I would have to call a repair person and on a holiday weekend that would be very costly.

Until next time,