Monday, September 24, 2007

Living in a city of transients

Transients: it carries a connotation of homelessness. I also picture nomads who move often depending on where the game is. When I first heard this term used to describe people who stay in RV's and move often I struggled with how to redefine it void the negative connotations. Apparently the US Government considers people who live in RV's as homeless, I consider it affordable housing.

Steve Earl has a new song out title, "Living in a city of immigrants." I have come to realize what a transient culture RV living is. Last month my brother, sister in law and nephew left the park for greener pastures. Other neighbors whom I have gotten to know have left.

Sometimes people full time to save money for a house. When they have the funds and find the right place then they leave. Sometimes people full time while they go to school and when they graduate off they go. This is the perfect culture for such as that. Our "city" has a stronger sense of community than any place I have lived in the past 10 years. Sometimes it's hard to see neighbors go, even though you hope all the best for them.