Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring is in the air...

Spring is certainly in the air. On occasion I'll hear one of two wind chimes over the hum of traffic. The wind is blowing causing the dead limbs to fall from the trees. Watch for falling tiiiiiimmmmmmmmbbbbbbeeeerrrrr. Oak Wilt is common in this area and the park I currently call home has seen a lot of falling limbs. I've become cautious of where I park during a storm.

Wildflowers are in bloom. Along with wildflowers come weeds. They have taken over the "yard." Those pesky dandelions can get to be HUGE, who knew they would get that big!! They've only been in bloom a week to 10 days.

Showers have fallen over the area. A friend of mine was awoken at 6 am when his family called to see if he was okay. They had heard there were flooding in the city. An elderly couple attempted to cross a low water crossing. One of them was swept away in the current. Last Sunday my all weather alter radio went off numerous times between 9 am and 4 am the following day alerting me of everything from the resolution of the recent Amber Alert to the tornado watch to Flash Flood warnings. This is probably one of the best investments I made for $20. If you don't have one I highly suggest getting one!!!

With Spring come midterms and all of that last minute work to finish up those class projects. Next month I have three major projects (two of those are presentations). During Spring Break my goal was to have two of them finished. I have not finished either of them but made a big dent in them. One of these projects involves getting to know a local agency, with the exclusion of a government agency. To accomplish this task I have begun volunteering at and partnering with a local non-profit agency. The second project I made a dent in is developing a preventive educational program. I have chosen to look at preventing bullying among students who are gifted and talented.

Another goal I had for Spring Break was cleaning out the air in my trailer. The air had been smelling really foul for a long time. I had tried several things and knew the source, the toilet/black water tank, but could never really clean it well enough to get rid of the smell. I sought help from my two RV manuals with no resolution. Then I sought the trusted help of my brother. It was so nice to go to sleep and wake up with fresh air!!!

It has been cool enough and warm enough that I have been sleeping with the windows open or cracked. Although I do hear a great deal of road noise lately there have been sounds of birds. I am pretty sure the neighborhood has a woodpecker and I'm fairly certain I've seen an owl. The last time I heard an owl I was laying in bed in Italy, close to 10 years ago. I have yet to hear our resident owl hoot.

How are you seeing or hearing Spring in your neighborhood?