Thursday, January 15, 2009

Two Years Later

When I began looking at buying an RV I thought I would be in it for two years, when I thought I would be through with graduate school. I bought a small trailer because it would be short term and then who knew what would happen (and it was all I could afford).

It dawned on me last week that it's now been over two years. I am still living in the RV and still in graduate school. When I started thinking about this I did not think I was any closer to graduating from school than when I started this venture. In reality, I am closer, just not where I thought I would be. It's been difficult going to school part time and working part time. I have not taken advantage of the summer classes since they are in the middle of the day five days a week and not compatible with work. Small steps!!

School starts next week. I have spent the Winter Break studying for comprehensive exams, (which determine whether I continue in the program), NCE (National Counselors Exam) and writing essays for grants and scholarships. In the midst of that my car has been in the shop and cost me a month's salary. I wish I felt more comfortable biking to work!! The last few days I've spent long hours in a local coffee shop where I can attempt to get work done. If I was at home I'd be more inclined to crawl in bed and waste daylight.

My first half marathon is 10 days away. I have begun tapering off the miles I run during the week.