Monday, June 2, 2008

April and May in the Garden

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How does that old nursery rhyme go? April showers bring May flowers? Well our April showers came via a garden hose! We did lose our peas (2 varieties) though because of milky mildew because although it didn't rain it was so humid things never dried out. In late May Austin had a heavy rain and our park did get some hail. Angela thought the garden would be a loss but there was only two limbs lost (one sunflower and one bell pepper), not too bad considering a neighbor lost a window out of his trailer!! We are blessed!

I just returned from a visit with my family and had a great time working with my dad in his garden. We planted tomatoes and two kinds of jalapenos.

(On a side note: After several years of being on line I have yet to understand html. I hate it really. I don't understand it and after over 30 minutes of playing with this trying to get the html language out, it's only gotten worse. I have to move on to some other important task so please forgive this awful draft, but hope you enjoy the pictures at least. )